Why you actually do not need a VPN?

reasons not to use a vpn

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become increasingly popular in recent years, touted as essential tools for enhancing online privacy, security, and freedom. By encrypting internet connections and masking IP addresses, VPNs offer users a sense of anonymity and protection from prying eyes, whether it’s ISPs, hackers, or government surveillance agencies. However, while VPNs undoubtedly offer … Read more

Attiny404 tinyAVR CPU architecture, features and related registers with a simple code example

Attiny404 CPU architecture, features and related registers with a simple code example front

This is a continuation of tinyAVR how-to series. This blog post is going to be about AVR CPU, its possibilities and registers. Features 8-Bit, High-Performance AVR RISC CPU: 135 instructions Hardware multiplier 32 8-Bit Registers Directly Connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Stack in RAM Stack Pointer Accessible in I/O Memory Space Direct Addressing … Read more

Now you can subscribe to a newsletter

The news front daumemo blog

Starting from today (the day this post is published), there will be a possibility to subscribe to a newsletter. So, the main question which might rise to you is why you should subscribe to it? It is a good question 😀 Well, first of all, for now, I am planning to send a newsletter once … Read more

Several methods on how to connect different voltage signal lines together

Connect different voltages via voltage level converter or resistor front

Sometimes you might need to connect two circuits or ICs together, but they operate at different voltages. There are two, known to me, methods, how you can do that – and it is the topic of this post. Table of contents Logic levels Resistor voltage divider Logic level converter Connecting circuits directly Summary Logic levels … Read more