ESP8266 basic WEB interface for Temperature-Humidity (Si7006) sensor (Part 2)

Main ESP8266 Web Interface Temperature Humidity Sensor

In this post we will continue and hopefully end writing a basic ESP8266 (based on ESP-12) web interface. If you haven’t read first part of this post, I suggest doing it here. If you have, then let’s proceed with the second part. So, what we are left to do is to basically write all server-side … Read more

ESP8266 basic WEB interface for Temperature-Humidity (Si7006) sensor (Part 1)

Main ESP8266 Web Interface Temperature Humidity Sensor

This project is mainly oriented to writing a basic WEB user interface for ESP8266. The temperature sensor will be more like an addition to the project instead of being project’s main topic. You can split ESP based projects into two main types: 1) a device with a battery and 2) a device which is powered … Read more

DSO Shell (DSO150) oscilloscope’s portability modification

DSO150 battery addition modifcation

There are some great cheap oscilloscopes out there. For those who want a solution which will do the job with as little as possible DSO Shell or similar kits are available. Although now there are kits which are truly portable (e.g. with a battery), but I personally have got myself a semi portable device (which … Read more

AVR ISP connector with pogo pins

AVR ISP Pogo Connector 1

Handful of older generation AVR MCUs needs ISP (In System Programming) connector to flash your own firmware. Usually if you design your own PCB, you will place somewhere 6 pin header (2×3 pins) as ISP connection. Most of the time it makes sense, unless PCB needs to be small especially in its height. In these … Read more