Starting from today (the day this post is published), there will be a possibility to subscribe to a newsletter.
So, the main question which might rise to you is why you should subscribe to it?
It is a good question 😀
Well, first of all, for now, I am planning to send a newsletter once a month (I hope, if I won’t forget 😀 ). So, every month you will get a reminder of what happened during that month.
The newsletter will include newest posts, and probably some random old ones which might be interesting to you.
Also, I might send some additional information regarding the blog, for example the changes in the blog which are not so easy noticeable from a user perspective (like corrected mistakes in a post thanks to one of you, or added new page, which is not directly shown in a list of all posts, etc.).
The real idea behind the newsletter
Of course, getting ‘the news’ from a blog where I post once or twice a month is not very convincing, isn’t it?
Probably the main reason of building a subscribers list is to tweak the direction this blog is going to the users’ needs. This includes two main parts:
- Building a user list via newsletter subscriptions.
- Creating polls and sending them to subscribers.
The second part will happen only if I will have enough users subscribed, so I could make some statistical insight from it.
This will allow me to tailor the topics of the blog posts to your liking and actual needs.
Your personal data
When you sign up for a newsletter, I will have only your e-mail address. This e-mail address will be used only for sending the newsletter. The e-mail list wil not be handled to any third parties.
Also, you will always have the possibility to unsubscribe from the newsletter via the provided link in the newsletter itself.
So, if you want to subscribe to the news and contribute to the direction where this whole blog goes in the future – subscribe below. Also, it seems that newsletter has a tendecy to get into spam folder – have it in mind and check it out 😀