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Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have become increasingly popular in recent years, touted as essential tools for enhancing online privacy, security, and freedom. By encrypting internet connections and masking IP addresses, VPNs offer users a sense of anonymity and protection from prying eyes, whether it’s ISPs, hackers, or government surveillance agencies. However, while VPNs undoubtedly offer … Read more

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There are times, when you have purchased your brand new Single Board Computer like a Raspberry Pi for a headless project and then you realize – you don’t have any monitor laying around for the initial computer setup. But if you have a laptop next to your lap – there might be a solution for … Read more

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This blog post should answer (or at least try to) the question, if Fusion 360 could be used for a living space’s interior design. The reason why I decided to make a post about it, because at one point in my life I was searching for a such answer myself. To tell you the truth, … Read more

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There are times when you need to measure temperature with your Arduino board. There are lots of different temperature sensors, most of them reads out data via digital interface. In this post I am going to talk about a simple analog temperature sensor LM35, which reads out temperature as a voltage value. Table of contents … Read more

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Yet another step towards DIY signal generator’s design finish line. This time it is a battery charging circuit based on a Texas Instruments BQ24295 chip. In previous parts I have mentioned that the generator needs to be powered from a battery. So, this circuit is going to be the one responsible for making it possible. … Read more

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Today’s continuation of the DIY signal generator based on an AD9833 is going to be about a dual rail 5V power supply. In the first part I have introduced you to a variable gain amplifier stage. The power supply is going to be used to power the mentioned operational amplifier. Links to project’s all posts … Read more