Attiny404 tinyAVR CPU architecture, features and related registers with a simple code example

Attiny404 CPU architecture, features and related registers with a simple code example front

This is a continuation of tinyAVR how-to series. This blog post is going to be about AVR CPU, its possibilities and registers. Features 8-Bit, High-Performance AVR RISC CPU: 135 instructions Hardware multiplier 32 8-Bit Registers Directly Connected to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Stack in RAM Stack Pointer Accessible in I/O Memory Space Direct Addressing … Read more

Several methods on how to connect different voltage signal lines together

Connect different voltages via voltage level converter or resistor front

Sometimes you might need to connect two circuits or ICs together, but they operate at different voltages. There are two, known to me, methods, how you can do that – and it is the topic of this post. Table of contents Logic levels Resistor voltage divider Logic level converter Connecting circuits directly Summary Logic levels … Read more

Gift ideas for DIY electronics enthusiast from my own electronics development setup

my electronics setup gift ideas front

This is going to be a list of tools and equipment which I personally use when developing some DIY electronics. This list can be used as a reference list what you might need as a starting point. Also, you might find some parts as a great gift ideas for a DIY electronics tinkerer. Table of … Read more

How to copy your online WordPress website into an offline Virtual Machine (part 2)

copy your online WordPress website into an offline Virtual Machine front

Here you will find out, how to make a copy of your already existing website and put it into a virtual machine. So, if you want to make some code changes or just want to test out your themes new updates, you can do it without breaking down your online site. This is the continuation … Read more

How to measure temperature with Arduino and a cheap LM35 sensor

Arduino LM35 reading temperature front

There are times when you need to measure temperature with your Arduino board. There are lots of different temperature sensors, most of them reads out data via digital interface. In this post I am going to talk about a simple analog temperature sensor LM35, which reads out temperature as a voltage value. Table of contents … Read more